How A Line Producer Successfully Takes Viewers to a Live Event

Choosing to take viewers to a live event is easy on the surface. There are a lot of decisions being made behind the scenes to get there. This video shows how we got to a live event with President Biden and Vice President Harris.

How A Line Producer Reacts to Multiple Crises In The Moment

I put this video together to showcase a few moments out of a single day in a television broadcast control room. Things like communication break down, live shot failures, and last-minute decisions happen every day. It's a line producer's job to anticipate any and everything, and have several possible moves all at once.

How A Line Producer Works With A Team To Bring a Live Newscast

It’s often hard to describe what I do daily. Especially to people who’ve never been in a control room. This video is meant to not only showcase parts of a newscast I’m proud of, but to also explain what’s happening behind the scenes that a viewer doesn’t get to see.

30-Minute Special on Chattanooga's Growth

I was in charge of producing a 30-minute special about a book called Chattanooga: Innovation at Warp Speed in 2017. I was responsible for coming up with general topics, finding the focuses, setting up the interviews, and writing the stories. Once it was edited together, I was one of the people who gave the final stamp of approval. I worked alongside NewsChannel 9 evening anchor Josh Roe for several weeks.